American High School Accreditation
American High School Accreditation
American High School delivers accredited, college preparatory and career-based online education for Grades 6-12 to students throughout the U.S. and Internationally.
American High School is fully Accredited by leading accreditation agencies, including AdvancED (U.S. Dept of Education approved Accrediting Agency).
The Importance of Attending a Fully Accredited SchoolThe most important part of choosing an online school is making sure it is properly accredited. There is nothing more frustrating than spending hundreds or thousands of dollars only to discover that your credits and diploma are not accepted by employers, the military, or other schools. To learn more about accreditation and verify the accreditation status of accrediting agencies at our school and others, please visit the United States Department of Education at the links below: American High School delivers accredited, college preparatory and career-based online education for Grades 6-12 to students throughout the U.S. and Internationally. Students receive both core curriculum and elective courses in desirable career fields such as: healthcare, game design, criminal justice, information technology, and management. AdvancEDAdvancED is the unified organization of the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI). These are the same organizations that accredit leading universities. AdvancED provides nationally recognized accreditation for middle and high school districts and individual schools, including 27,000 public and private schools and districts across the United States and in 65 countries worldwide. CITAThe Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation (CITA) was formed in 1994 by regional accrediting organizations in the United States following a long history of collaboration under other auspices. CITA provided systems of accreditation around the world for individual schools. It allowed schools in many different countries to be confident that they were using similar standards so that class credit could be transferred between them. In 2008, CITA was acquired by AdvancED, which continues its work. SACS CASIThe Council on Accreditation and School Improvement of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS-CASI) is a leading regional accreditation organization for the southern U.S., where American High School is based. SACS is one of the 'Big 5' regional accrediting organizations that are used by reputable colleges and universities in the U.S. These organizations also accredited middle schools and high schools. Regional accreditation by one of the 'Big 5' ensures that diplomas are universally accepted by employers, colleges, universities, the military, and so forth. Other Approving OrganizationsCollege BoardAmerican High School is also registered with the College Board and is listed in their National Secondary School List for SAT, PSAT / NMSQT, PLAN, & ACT. We assist all of our students with finding colleges, sorting through financial aid, and preparing students for their next big adventure. The Better Business Bureau |
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We are so confident in our academic program that we proudly offer a 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. If for any reason you're not 100% satisfied within the first five days of enrollment, we will immediately refund your tuition. American High School gives you a risk-free opportunity to better your future. Enroll Today!